Written in History: Letters that Changed the World by Simon Sebag Montefiore

    History can often appear as a subject devoid of the spiritual and emotional sides of life, but Written in History is one of those books which allows them bubble up to the historical surface. Covering great themes like love, courage, war, goodbyes, and family, this collection of letters opens up often inaccessible individuals … More Written in History: Letters that Changed the World by Simon Sebag Montefiore

Kwasi Kwarteng – Ghosts of Empire

When we think of the British Empire, we often think of it as something belonging to bygone generations captured in colourful paintings and battered old black and white photographs. Ghosts of Empire, however, reminds us of its existence, expansion, and eventual contraction through the twentieth century and its remnants which have lasted, like ghosts, long … More Kwasi Kwarteng – Ghosts of Empire

Plutarch’s Essays

Though eventually named a Roman citizen, Plutarch, (46-120 AD), was born and raised in Greece where he also spent most of his adult life. His major works were the dozens of biographies of Greek and Latin men of significance as well as the various essays he wrote on morality, ethics and contemporary issues. The Penguin … More Plutarch’s Essays

Edmund Burke – Reflections on the Revolution in France

When reading Burke, it is hard to escape his imposing intellect, his world-weary wisdom which bears down softly but firmly. As both an Irishmen and proud Member of Parliament for the Empire he loved, for the England he cherished, Burke gave conservatism an unashamedly British colour. His Reflections on the Revolution in France takes the … More Edmund Burke – Reflections on the Revolution in France

George Orwell – “The lion and the unicorn: socialism and the English genius”

  A household name and perhaps the most respected writer the Left produced in the twentieth century, Orwell is known to most people through his novels 1984 and Animal Farm. But his real talent resides in the essays which formed the political bedrock of his novels and intellectual development. “The lion and the unicorn: socialism … More George Orwell – “The lion and the unicorn: socialism and the English genius”